Foreign students
Vous venez d’arriver en France pour vos études ? Vous pouvez bénéficier de l’Assurance maladie française simple et gratuite. Suivez les démarches.
You're a new foreign student and you have come to study in France? Welcome! Here is our tutoriel "2 minutes to register with the French social security".
+ infos > Foreign students, here’s what to do to get health insurance
You're a new foreign student and you have come to study in France? Welcome! Here is our tutoriel "2 minutes to register with the French social security".
+ infos > Foreign students, here’s what to do to get health insurance
Contact et liens utiles
Tel : 36 46 du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 17h30 – 0,06 euros/min + prix de l’appel
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